Midwest Home Funeral Resources

Southwest Wisconsin, Viroqua area

Locally Sources and Crafted Funeral Products


Funeral Guide

Threshold Care Circle offers in person or telephone consultations to answer specific questions that will help you make decisions at the time of a death. We work with families at-need to prepare for end-of-life and after death choices.  Call to schedule an appointment with one of our volunteers. (608)371-9056

End of LIfe Doula

Susan Nesbit  is available to help individuals and families before, during, and after death. Susan has been a hospice volunteer since 2006 and a massage therapist since 1995, and her goal is to be a loving and compassionate companion to those dying. She also wants to educate and empower people to understand their options and to assist them to make plans so they can get on with the business of living. Susan can be reached through email and phone: snesbit66@gmail.com and 608-606-4566

Funeral Homes that support Family-Directed Funerals and Green Burials

Roth Family Cremation Center – Viroqua

Thorson- Popp Funeral and Cremation Services- Viroqua
Certified by the Green Burial Council

Vosseteig Funeral Home and Crematory –  Viroqua   (Funeral Directors  Justin Panski and Bridgett Madden)
Certified by the Green Burial Council

Coulee Region Cremation GroupOnalaska
133 Mason Street, Onalaska, WI 608.788.2188

Milwaukee area

All One Spirit LLC
Laurie Dionne Asbeck     262.745.4051
Home Funerals and Green Burials:  Educator, Death Midwife; Ceremony Celebrant
Located in Elkhorn, WI; covering Southeastern Wisconsin.
email laurie@allonespiritllc.com

Madison area

Simple Wisdom Sanctuary
Mary Kateada, Death Doula
3529 Lucia Crest, Madison WI  53705
“As a death doula I work with people who are preparing for their own death, I will be with the dying, I help families care for a loved one who has passed, I assist in home funerals and I craft and officiate at funerals and memorials.”

Walking Each Other Home – www.walkingeachotherhomemadison.org



Personal Farewells, LLC
Personal Farewells guides families through all the steps necessary to care for their own loved ones after death.
Fran Vandre 920.723.2122   Sue Rheingans 262.365.8632
email personalfarewells@charter.net




Sacred Ceremonies, Ltd
Lucy Basler, Director
3437 Chenoweth Drive
Webster, WI  54893
715-866-7798, cell: 715-566-2462
website: SacredCeremonies




NORTHWOODS  Casket Company
Jonas Zahn
North Center Street
Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Jodi Beyer


Merilynne Rush
PO Box 7735, Ann Arbor, MI  48104
Merilynne Rush is a nurse and midwife with 25 years professional experience who educates and consults about natural death care options, including home funeral and green burial.




SE MN Threshold Network; Live Green, Leave Green, Rochester, MN

Rochester, MN
Deah Kinion (507) 289-1199
SE MTN promotes the emotional, environmental and economic benefits of a more natural death. We advocate & support increased conversations, advance care planning, home funerals, family-directed after-death body-care, celebration & ritual, green/natural burial/disposition information. Find us on Facebook.

The Minnesota Threshold Network, Twin Cities area

The Minnesota Threshold Network was loosely formed in 2008 as a place to come together to talk, share, and tell stories about work at The Threshold:  the place between the worlds of life and death.

Small meetings are held monthly.  Larger community meetings are held quarterly with the goal of connecting those who dwell in this amazing space between. Please email us for more information at mnthresholdnetwork@gmail.com.

Linda Bergh and Marianne Dietzel, Beholding the Threshold

Linda Is available for individual consultations; Marianne plays the lyre at the bedside. Both are part of a Twin Cities group supporting families wishing to care for their own. Please contact them with any questions.

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